Qualité Couleur
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The local software v1:

EvalColor 1.2.zip

Installation Guide


The questionnaires (in XLS format )


Presentation of the online software (v2)

Evalcolor is a tool for measuring quality, in a reliable and accurate way. Measure is done, either intuitively, either in answering to a questionnaire.
A discovery track enables to discover the software. One may also open an account or - in a company - being registered by the account manager; this alllows a collective evaluation.
Thus one may calculate and display the average evaluation by a team of the same object, be it a partner, a project, a working departement ...

Welcome in a world of attractive and accurate colours.


Intuitively, one chooses a level from 0 to 100 to six colored sliders, some key words are related to each color.

Evaluation input

The quality profile is displayed by sectors or in a rosace or by an histogram or globally by a colored disk.

Sectors display

The six axes enable a double evaluation, one by the projected light (RGB called the additive spectrum), the other by reflection (CMY called the soustractive spectrum).

RGB Basis

In the questionnaires, the answer to the questions go from 0 (No) to 10 (Yes).

Presentation of the local software (v1)

The software EvalColor allows to enter one's intuitive perception of quality using 6 colored sliders. It allows to assess quality of specific systems using a questionnaire. Thus one may calculate and display the average evaluation by a team of the same object, be it a partner, a project, a working departement ...

Welcome in a world of attractive and accurate colours.

The software EvalColor allows to evaluate intuitively a system along 6 quality axes.

The results are displayed according 4 ways : camemberts -as shown below- histogram, rosace and global

The software calculates average evaluations according to the following criteria : date, type of system (project, candiate, partner …), way of evaluation (intuitive or analytical), evaluator


EvalColor allows to compare two evaluations, be they direct or average

The selected comparison can be displayed according the 4 ways of display; this is faciltating the perception of discrepancies.

Référence juridique  

Conformément aux conventions internationales relatives à la propriété intellectuelle, cette œuvre est protégée.
Le titulaire des droits vous donne toutefois certaines autorisations dans un cadre précis.

Ces autorisations figurent sur le certificat délivré par InterDeposit Digital Number,
10 route de l'Aéroport, CP 41 - CH 1215 Genève 15.

see the certificate


The software:


Installation guide


The questionnaires (in XLS format)




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